We made it to New Mexico!!!
What a deal this place has for new members: 7 nights stay for only $50! |

Now we're in a different time zone. and the middle of nowhere. It's desolate out here, other than a random run-down-looking shack, a pecan grove a mile away, and the post office set up in a mobile home type structure just further down the street. It was close to 3pm when we arrived at
the ranch, another Escapees campground, and this one is a co-op. Most of the lots are owned, many of them by retirees, and then rented out when they decide to up and travel some more. It says online that this one in particular is "the most friendly park in the [escapees] system", and no sooner had we gotten out of the truck to register, 4 smiley people were walking toward us. WELCOME! they said, shaking our hands, and one of the ladies gave Joel and I each a big hug! We were shown which spot was available for us to occupy, then told about "happy hour" in the clubhouse, coming up soon. I didn't think we would make it, given what time it already was and we wanted to get hooked up and cook a meal. Joel reminded me it was an hour earlier than i was thinking, tho- so it turned out we arrived in perfect time!
We went to "happy hour". 😊 Somebody was making coffee, and there were about a dozen folks there, all so seemingly excited that we showed up. The 4 ppl that welcomed us earlier were all there, 2 of them a married couple, who sat at the same table as us and immediately started asking us questions about our travels. A few minutes later, happy hour began, with the ring of a little bell, and then someone on a microphone at the front of the room introduced himself; he said his name, his member #, what # lot he stays on, and then everybody clapped! He then went on to ask if anyone present is new. Since we were, they asked us to introduce ourselves and say a little bit about our travel plans. so Joel and I got up in front of everyone and did just that. Everyone clapped. The MC, Walley, then asked if anyone was having a birthday, if there were any anniversaries, or if anyone was planning to leave the park soon to travel on. nope, nope, and nope, for this day. Next were announcements- some of them he told us about, and a few others were told by others. Each of these other people stated their name, member #, lot #, then we all clapped, before they made their announcement! After all the campground business, to close things up, Walley asked who'd be willing to "be the ding-a-linger" (bell ringer!) and MC for the following day. They rotate who leads the show every night. One of the guys sitting at the table next to us leaned over to me and said that newcomers were welcome to do it. I said something to the effect that i supposed i could handle it. This man then spoke up, directed at Walley, and pretty much nominated me to do it! a few ppl cheered. I laughed and decided to accept. So i'd have to be back there at 4:30 the following day.
After park Happy Hour, Marilyn and her husband Bob invited us back to their place for a
real happy hour. We followed them past their RV and were led into a small and cozy building with a screen-in porch area. It was chilly outside so we went indoors. all around the top of this room were books sitting on a continuous row of shelves. i almost started drooling. i noticed one in particular and thought "Hey- i remember hearing about that one and I'd like to read it for myself some day." there were two large couches and a comfy chair for us to sit on. Marilyn offered us a drink, and asked what we prefer. I said something about whiskey. "Oh, I am a Jack Daniels lady, myself." So she and I had some of that, while Bob and Joel sipped on scotch. We hung out in here for almost 2 hours. somewhere in there it was brought up that i have a hula hoop that i set on fire and Marilyn asked if they could see me play with it sometime during our stay here.
These two have been married for 60 years, and full-time RVing for 30+. Before coming here, they lived and raised their family in El Paso. Then they made this place, in the Lakewood area, their new permanent home. Bob was telling us about how everyone owns or lifetime-leases their lot, yet they all still do a regular amount of traveling- so this is basically their home base 😁 Folks tend to leave in the spring then come back in the fall, settle back into their space, and gather together again with everyone to share their stories during their time apart. it's a tight community here, and Fall is like a big family reunion!
Before we left our new friends, they shared a 30 minute video with us about their favorite place on the whole planet: Big Bend national park in southern Texas. These two have been all around the world. and all around the U.S. and they both feel a deep affinity for this one particular park. I've been looking into and reading a bit about it over the last couple of weeks, being we have been in Texas. It's not jiving with our schedule at this time to make it down that way, but between the video and all they had to say about it, we definitely have this gem on our list of places to make it to! These two have visited there at least 25 times, rafted the rio Grande, rode horseback through canyons, and seen some amazingly wild, untouched places. Have any of you been there before??
As of today, we plan to stay for the week. We keep going back and forth about wanting to be here for Christmas. Everyone's gonna have a big holiday dinner together. it would be a lot of fun and we truly feel like family here. we'll have to sleep on it tho. multiple times. HA! every day we tend to feel different! every day we just... have to wake up and decide how we feel that day. that really does seem to be the most satisfying and effective way to make our decisions now. it's really cool!! being so spontaneous.
We slept really great that first night. Joel was very excited to visit the Carlsbad caverns, a long-time
Carlsbad Lake |
dream of his, but we had to be back by 4pm for me to be ding-a-linger, and the caves were looking like an all-day/late day thing to me. So we packed up a our bikes and went into town to see what was where and explore around . It was a lovely day for our planned activities. The lake is quite beautiful. Shaped more like a river, it's a pretty blue color, and we even found an area off the beaten path that lead us to a babbling creek in a rather rugged-looking area. I sat by it for 10 minutes blissing-out to the sounds of water and birds as Joel scoped out where to continue taking the bike path. After 2 hours of pedaling around we had quite the appetite and tried out a mexican place called Juniors, just on the outskirt of town, and FOR HEAVENS SAKE, it happened again- we each had THE BEST mexican meal we've ever tasted. The FLAVORS!! WOW, the flavors were incredible.
off the beaten path |
my strong and mighty husband! hoisting up a giant tumbleweed |
Got back to the ranch around 4pm and wandered into the club house. One of the ladies in the room from the previous night showed me the outline on a piece of paper for what to say as MC, then handed me the mic. I started talking, about to get into it, then several ppl chimed-out "ring the bell!!" and some chuckles rippled through the room. I picked up and rang the small, fist-size bell, and suddenly everyone was smiling. it was so funny! I re-introduced myself since last night: name, member #, lot #, everyone clapped! and I remembered this time to mention that I came equipped with hula hoops- I'd love to do some hooping with anyone who was interested. Marilyn then stood up to mention about my fire hoop, and asked if Joel and I had plans to partake in the holiday hayride the following nite. Yes we were, so we agreed that i'd do a little show for everyone beforehand. A few different folks came up to take the mic for announcements (a card to sign for a past-camper recovering from an illness, and the pecan grove tour going on at 1pm the following day.), first stating their name and #s, and we all clapped, then i wrapped things up and we just socialized for another half hour or so.
Neil, the Happy Trails guy, asked about seeing my fire hoop in action before he leaves town. i said "Sure! I'll set up in the open space at the end of our road, Quail Trail, once it gets dark out." He and Bob and Marilyn showed up and watched me burn a couple times. it's always so satisfying and fulfillingly-fun to do this for people. Bob and Marilyn were wowed. "I've never seen anything like this!" I heard Neil say. It just usually blows ppl's mind. i love that. i LOVE sharing this gift! of wow, flame, and wonder. it's such a great feeling, for everyone, in a variety of ways. i know i have a lot more of this in my future. YeeHaaw!!!
It was a wonderful day. and next one up was already feeling epic = Carlsbad Caverns 😵