was a stellar day outside. it got up to 81! and there are regular, gusty winds on a daily basis, but today it was calm. it was sunny. i ran around in a dress. and i asked Joel:
"Will you come into the goat pen with me today?!" to which he replied "Yes! My love!" and in we went 😁 for the first time, we finally decided to get up close and personal.
It was great fun. NEW FUN!!!
When we first walked in tho, we were cautious. not in fear, but just wanting to be smart. they have horns. they are animals. and i'd never hung out with goats before, so i walked gingerly, toward the tiny Adora. Then the others started coming up closer.

the very smallest, Adora, 1 of the 2 females, looks like a little deer. At one point when Joel was petting her, she started leaning her head into his leg, just standing there wanting more. THAT was really funny. Also, the boys will put a leash on her at times and walk all around the farm with them. she is very chill. they all are pretty chill! Except for the Adam, the original male. he's still establishing his place with the new male. they all get along fine more often than not, tho.

Spending time with Joel in this way was an actual vision of mine come true. so satisfying. funnest time on the farm YET