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HFSB, Batman! a giant quartz crystal cluster |
Every year, our biz partners go to Denver in the Fall, and Tucson in Winter, to buy new inventory at the giant rock and gem shows. So on Sept. 12th, Joel and I packed up our tent & sleeping bags again into the truck, and hit the road in mid-september to make the trek and join our comrades in Denver for a few days of shopping and marveling at crazy rock specimens. We had three national parks in mind to check out. The show itself was gonna be fascinating! A surprise and worthwhile detour in Colorado awaited us. More great (free) camping spots were discovered. and we got startlingly close to some critters one camp night on our way home!
Driving north and leaving Sedona is really fascinating. All this red rock, short vegetation, big mesas, expansive spaces, and mountainous foothills surround every direction. Drive the winding road north only several miles up Oak Creek Canyon and the rocks become more grey, tall pine trees begin to dominate, and visibility is limited. That pops you out on top of the Mogollon rim and into Flagstaff; green meadowy grasses, predominantly pine trees, more moisture in the air, and Mt. Humphrey overlooks it all. Begin to leave Flagstaff and the mountains drift away, trees become sparse, barren land takes over, down to nothing, and it's pretty flat. Flat, flat, flat... not much around, until getting to Utah... is so fantastically weird. Odd, worn-away rock formations stand sporadically all over the place, and reddish-rock arches seem very common.
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near Moab, UT. Do you see the little ppl's down there? :) |
all these arches. what...? incredible. (lots of pics in the link at the end.) We spent a few great hours here. it got really HOT tho, and we had to bail on walking the longer trails. we gotta go back sometime!
We split in late afternoon to make it all the way to Denver, for an overnight at my friend's home. Our original ETA was for 10ish, but we ended up being a couple hours later due to the unforeseen drive opportunity thru: Colorado national monument. Ever been? The road takes you up high, to the top of a plateau, then winds along the top of it, ducking through some woodsy, hilly patches here and there. the views are huge, looking down sheer cliff canyon walls, before spitting you out into the city of Grand Junction. i really didn't want to possibly disturb my friend's family by coming in so late that night, but HOLY BUCKETS, am i glad we did that drive! (and friend was fine with our arrival ;)
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Colorado nat'l monument. 👍👍👍 |
The following day, this sweet friend, Gayle, and her two little daughters, took us to show off their plot in the nearby community garden. Gayle grows many medicinal herbs and beautiful flowers! And we had just enough time for a little hike with some Big views, that took us behind the Flatirons (Mtn range). I'm so thankful for this time we shared with them before driving into the city that afternoon.
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a hike with friends. Boulder, CO |

It was all quite dazzling, to say the least! SO MUCH to look at. so much... energy. it was definitely something i enjoyed to experience for myself, and i look forward to the next one we go to.
The last day we encountered a clever man who constructs himself & walks around inside his own, large dinosaur puppets. right place, right time: a small kid approach this guy and I overheard him ask "Will you step on me?!"
The kid laid down on the floor and this guy raised his big dino leg and brought his foot down on him. HA!HA (don't see that everyday)
While we were at this show, we had to stock up on inventory to sell back in Sedona, at our local arts&crafts fair, select weekends throughout the year. Mike asked if i would help with picking out a nice selection of Madagascar sculptures- pretty or interesting ones that i think would sell at our shows. I had so much fun choosing things... it felt exhilarating, like a shopping spree! He said the dealer was gonna swing us a great discount, being we buy from them regularly, so he told me to go to town. and i did!! not only that, they've been selling
wonderfully! some of what we chose, Mike is even keeping aside so he can cut into it, find more pretty, hidden areas, make multiple, different pieces, and yield a greater profit than from selling it as a chunk. he was very pleased. We all were! it was a wonderful time, both shopping and just oogling at the incredible, dynamic specimens of various minerals, crystal structures, meteorites, and rocks. Joel and I got to meet a couple of the dealers we'll be purchasing more from in the future, such as this friendly married couple from Uraguay, who sells us salt rock lamps. And another married couple, Oxana and Andre, from Russia, who provide our plethora of high-grade shungite material. This business is nothing short of fascinating and beautiful souls.
After 3 days of walking and looking around, our eyeballs and brains were overloaded! It was the end of the show week, so folks were starting to pack things up. Counrtenay and I negotiated some nice deals on smaller items for the arts&craft show. we got our truck loaded up with the giant salt-rock lamp purchase Mike made, and began our drive back to Sedona in the late afternoon. (A big Thank You again to all the sweet friends who hosted us overnight during our whole visit! 🌞)

what a KOOKY nite that was!!
(The following story not in complaining, but out of pure amusement 😛)
We got our tent set up down near the river just before dusk began. behind our tent was a clump of trees and bushes, with a stone picnic table on the other side. A number of our items were still sitting up there. I plopped down in a chair to sit for a short bit and take in the beautiful evening , as Joel went up and out of my site to the picnic table. several minutes later i noticed 2 fox on the bank of the river about 50 feet down from me. " WoW," i thought. "how neat to see them. i thought fox tend to be skiddish about ppl", so i thought it neato, and hoped joel would get to see them too, if he walked down slowly and quiet. Well, he didn't come back softly, and they took off. So maybe that was a special moment just for me. 😃 Then it started getting quite dark. We were watching the moon over the water and joel thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye. there were other ppl hanging out not very far from us. were some kids out wandering around? the main trail goes right by that picnic table. Suddenly there was a LOUD sound of crinkling, like plastic, coming from the table area. Joel jumped out of his chair, ran out of my sight and i heard him yell "HEY!" and he took off running down the path.

Joel came back saying he found the fox under a tree, bag of chips in his mouth, thrashing the crap out of it, then took off with it still in it's mouth. Joel crossed the road to try and find them but only a few chips remained. for a while tho, somewhere in the dark across the road, we thought we could hear the intermittent shaking of that bag!
And this went on all night. They were absolutely screwing with us.
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there's a moon up there. |
so... we survived that fiasco! and headed back into Utah that morning, to...
Canyondlands. CANYONLANDS! this place is crazy, and we only saw a very small portion of it. the timing took us into it at sunset, and how lovely that was. we walked around before it got dark and saw some incredible things. it was like looking down on a canyon WITHIN a canyon... so trippy. SO MUCH MORE to see and hike here. so we'll go back another time. our real vision is to pull the RV and spend at least a month around this area, as there are several national parks all rather close together. that will be a grand trip, for sure!
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canyonlands. |
we could have returned to our previous spot in Moab to spend the night after leaving the lands of canyon, but we opted to try a new BLM area and see what it was like.
It was kinda weird! but, accommodating. i say accommodating because it had a porta-potty off the road, not too far a walk from where we pitched out tent, and we never see that. altho how could they not have one? there was NOTHING out here. no vegetation. absolutely barren. "THANK YOU for providing a bathroom!" i felt immensely. as for other campers around us: it was crowded. about half of what we saw were trailers, and RVs and motorhomes. the rest were vans and cars. i think we were the only ones in a tent! we hit the road right away the next morning and got home in the early evening.
we got our salt-rock lamps back home safe and sound. the small items we thought would sell hot at the arts&crafts sale were a HIT! We sold out of many things like small rose quartz hearts, labradorite hearts, and double-ended Citrine chucks that look like they came out of a pirate treasure chest, and other things, that we'll stock up on again when we go to Tucson in 5 months.
All in all, another wonderful trip, all of the drive so lovely, lots to look at and see. Life is good.
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this is out there. (so it must be in you!) |